過去這些年中對森林的砍伐不僅使得環境中的溫室氣體越來越多,而且也對許多生物的生存空間造成了毀壞。深感如此巨大的變化,致力於木頭玩具開發的Ever Earth 認為人類與環境應該是要共榮共存的。
因此,Ever Earth不再仰賴傳統的製作及生產過程,轉而於致力森林保護,尤其重視可持續發展和環保的生活方式,並且秉持著透過 非盈利組織FSC® 認證的永續經營方式,使用一棵樹木後即種植一棵樹的理念,並規律周期的間斷式取用木材,實行永續經營的理念,並同時能夠持續發展森林經濟,Ever Earth 也成為最早在中國中心地帶擁有自己的一片森林的企業之一,該片森林占地8000 公頃。
Our vision is to teach children and parents more about the environment we live in. That’s why we want all EverEarth products and our business structure to revolve around the notion of sustainability. Our toys are made from sustainable, FSC® (C106741) -certified wood. EverEarth is committed to preserving our forests, and its activities include initiating the “Plant-a-tree” campaign.
Forest Stewardship Council 森林監管委員會,簡單來說,它是一個獨立、非政府、非營利的組織,成立的目的是推廣永續經營世界的森林。FSC的木業產品(含紙張)則為對"森林友善"的產品。
Forest Stewardship Council is an independent and international non-profit organization. The FSC does this by setting standards on forest products, along with certifying and labeling them as eco-friendly.
我們的團隊每天都在繼續發展我們的企業文化,使地球上出現更多可持續發展的生態綠。為了達成這樣的目標,我們使用可循環利用的包裝,以環保的方式發送我們的玩具,借助太陽能電池使用大自然賜予的太陽能等等。同時也希望民眾能了解與Plant-A-Tree 行動有關的一切,一起增加我們回饋給的森林植被量!
Our team works to further develop our company’s structure and make it greener and more sustainable every day. To achieve this goal, we use recyclable packaging, environmentally friendly toy shipment, the natural energy of the sun with the help of solar cells, and much more.
EverEarth 希望我們的兒童和家長更進一步了解我們的大自然,因為可持續發展和環保意識與我們所有人息息相關。
EverEarth wants to inspire children and parents to get closer to nature, because sustainability and environmental awareness concern us all.
We care about your children’s health. That’s why our toys are made exclusively from sustainable, environmentally friendly materials. This enables us to ensure no harmful chemicals are used, and guarantee your children’s safety. We also strive to protect the health of Mother Nature every day, and have for years been campaigning to preserve our forests.
The best bit about a family is being able to share one’s love, joy and fun. That’s why our toys are focused on enabling communal playing.
我們的願景是讓兒童和家長更加了解我們生活的環境。出於這樣的原因考慮,我們希望所有的EverEarth 產品以及我們的企業文化都能體現出可持續發展的基本理念。我們的玩具由可持續發展的FSC ® 認證的木材製成。 EverEarth 致力於保護我們的森林,同時也希望能讓民眾一起了解一些與可持續發展有關的知識,一起為更綠的環境做出我們的貢獻,一起獲得特別的回憶。
Our goal is for us to learn something about sustainability together, do our bit for a greener environment together, and create special memories together.